Unbenannte Seite


7 pieces in 7 rooms, Kunstverein Hannover, 2001

Gunda Foerster, FLASHLIGHT, 7 pieces in 7 rooms, Kunstverein Hannover, 2001_1 7 pieces in 7 rooms, Kunstverein Hannover, 2001_1
Gunda Foerster, FLASHLIGHT, 7 pieces in 7 rooms, Kunstverein Hannover, 2001_2
Gunda Foerster, FLASHLIGHT, 7 pieces in 7 rooms, Kunstverein Hannover, 2001_3
Gunda Foerster, FLASHLIGHT, 7 pieces in 7 rooms, Kunstverein Hannover, 2001_4


QuickTime Movie
02:12 min
6,9 MB


A flashlight is directed at the ceiling. A motor makes it revolve slowly to project a continually expanding and contracting circle of light on the ceiling.
room: L x W x H = 8.30 x 3.30 x 4.40 m
